building a personal greenhouse
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building a personal greenhouse

It has always been a dream of mine to have a greenhouse that I could use to grow my own produce during the winter. I love garden fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, cantaloupes and a variety of other produce and it made me sad when I had to quit gardening for the season. I decided that it was time for me to invest in having a greenhouse built in my backyard so that I could continue to grow throughout the entire year. Learn all about the selection of the glass and how it needs to be cared for right here on my blog.


building a personal greenhouse

  • Four Energy Efficient Window Improvements To Have Save Energy Without Replacement

    14 January 2016

    If you want your home to be more energy efficient, there are many improvements that you can invest in. Some of these improvements, such as window replacements, can be quite costly. The windows in your home can also be more energy efficient with a few more affordable improvements. Here are some affordable window improvements that you may want to consider to make your home more energy efficient: 1. Caulking, Painting And Adding Insulation To The Windows

  • Should You Repair Or Replace Your Foggy Storm Window?

    11 January 2016

    If you've recently noticed some fogginess or condensation between the panes of your double-pane storm window, you may be concerned about your window's ability to weather the cold and precipitation this winter. However, the prospect of replacing an unbroken window could seem costly and wasteful. Are there any options that can restore your window to like-new condition without costing you an arm and a leg? Read on to learn more about the potential causes of this fogginess, as well as the factors you should consider when deciding whether repair or replacement is the better option.

  • Three Types Of Glass Repair And How To Choose The One You Should Use

    7 January 2016

    Whether you are having a professional complete some glass repair for you, or you want to DIY it, you should know something about the different ways in which glass can be repaired. There is more than one method or approach, and selecting one over the other is often based on the severity of the damage and the type of glass you are attempting to fix. Here are three types of glass repair and how to choose the one you should use to fix your own broken glass issues.

  • How To Replace Glass In A Sidelight Window

    6 January 2016

    Sidelights are tall and narrow rectangular windows, commonly made with frosted or colored glass, installed beside an entry door. Sidelights allow adequate light inside without giving a direct view inside your home. If you have a sidelight window with cracks or fading color in the glass, it is time for a replacement. Here are some tips to replace glass in sidelight windows. Gather Tools and Remove Trim For this project, you need:

  • How To Measure And Order A Glass Shower Door Kit

    6 January 2016

    Glass doors can brighten up a shower area and are a lot easier to keep clean than old fashioned shower curtains. A beginning do-it-yourselfer can usually install a glass shower door during the course of an afternoon. The first step is making sure you take the proper measurements so you can buy a shower door kit that will fit into the space in front of the shower. Here is how to properly measure the opening so you can order a glass shower door that will fit into your bathroom.